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Ahh the cats! They're too fast for our coins to handle, call for immediate extractions!


This reminded me of arcade game inside Stardew valley you could play. It was fun to play (managed to reach lv 7!)


That was definitely the inspiration for it. That game was called Journey of the Prairie king so even the names are similar. 


I found it fun to play and challenging. From a game play point of view I would suggest to have the character able to sustain 2-3 hits before dying to make it more fun to play.  Very nice. 


The main character's sprite and the walking animation send me vibes from Chrono Trigger, I like it

I'd say maybe increase the cat's hitbox or the bullet's. Or adjust the pathfinding to the player's head, because it is a bit annoying having to go down to hit some enemies that are on your sides (or maybe the game is fine being this way, idk)

You could also show a time bar above the player's head showing how much time is left on a powerup, but this may be a bit tricky if you want to stack them, I just want to give ideas on how you could possibly make the game better

Cool game


The Player sprite is currently a Secret of Mana sprite, so I'll need to change this.

Yeah I agree that the position the bullets shoot from could be lowered - I'll likely give the Player sprite some kind of gun/bow looking thing that I'll try to line it up with.

Thanks for the feedback.